‘FUTURE READY’ is a campaign that celebrates our exceptional students who have pushed their limits to become the best versions of themselves during their time at ESF. Transcending mere exam scores, we want to provide these students a platform to shine and for us to recognise the transformative power of education in shaping future aspirations, empowering students to make a positive impact on the world and to thrive in their chosen fields and beyond.

Class of 2024

Caitlin Wong

ESF Discovery College

Tracy Fu

ESF Island School

Hannah Wu

ESF Island School

Bernice Wing Tung Chou

ESF King George V School

Mila Phoenix Dresner

ESF King George V School

Reiss Lau

ESF King George V School

Kirsty Lee

ESF King George V School

Chi Him Tsang

ESF King George V School

Darkan Budhrani

ESF Renaissance College

Joseph Wong

ESF Renaissance College

Shriya Srinivasan

ESF Renaissance College

Marc Christopher Dingcong

ESF Sha Tin College

Nicole Samantha Lau

ESF Sha Tin College

Benedict Lok Hei Pang

ESF Sha Tin College

Ken Sotooka

ESF Sha Tin College

Enoch Chu

ESF South Island School

Annice Hui

ESF South Island School

Marcus Lau

ESF South Island School

Anson Li

ESF South Island School

Eunsu Stella Min

ESF South Island School

Vincent Huang

ESF West Island School

Jiya Joji

ESF West Island School

Heewoong Kim

ESF West Island School

Our Amazing Year 13 Graduates are ready to dedicate their whole hearts to the next stop of their journey!
They are happy to share with us their future plans:

· Caitlin Wong  ESF Discovery College
Imperial College London, Masters of Science in Chemistry

· Tracy Fu  ESF Island School
HKU-UCL, Dual Degree Programme in Law

· Hannah Wu  ESF Island School
University of Toronto, Life Sciences

· Bernice Wing Tung Chou  ESF King George V School
The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

· Mila Phoenix Dresner  ESF King George V School
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

· Reiss Lau  ESF King George V School
University of California Los Angeles, Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering

· Kirsty Lee  ESF King George V School
The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

· Chi Him Tsang  ESF King George V School
The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

· Darkan Budhrani  ESF Renaissance College
The University of Hong Kong, International Business and Global Management

· Joseph Wong  ESF Renaissance College
Imperial College London, Master of Mechanical Engineering

· Shriya Srinivasan  ESF Renaissance College
University College London, Anthropology

· Marc Christopher Dingcong  ESF Sha Tin College
Delft University of Technology, Aerospace Engineering

· Nicole Samantha Lau  ESF Sha Tin College
King’s College London, Bachelor of Laws

· Benedict Lok Hei Pang  ESF Sha Tin College
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

· Ken Sotooka  ESF Sha Tin College
HKU-Cambridge, Dual Degree Bachelor and Master of Science in Physics

· Enoch Chu  ESF South Island School
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

· Annice Hui  ESF South Island School
Imperial College London, Biological Sciences

· Marcus Lau  ESF South Island School
University of Oxford, Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

· Anson Li  ESF South Island School
London School of Economics and Political Science, Bachelors of Laws

· Eunsu Stella Min  ESF South Island School
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

· Lauren Darley  ESF West Island School
Queen’s University Belfast, School of Medicine

· Vincent Huang  ESF West Island School
The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

· Jiya Joji  ESF West Island School
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

· Heewoong Kim  ESF West Island School
University of Oxford, Medicine

Join the ESF family

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Shriya Srinivasan


2024 年度畢業生




「這些年我孜孜不倦,只為理解、發掘、體會世界的美好;嘗試帶來改變,讓身邊社群更臻完善。要認清真正的自己 — 不論是生理上,還是從社會、文化角度探究。這不單是書本上的口號,更是一個人即將蛻變的率真體現。世人常言的普世理論和共同目標,在許多人看來總是虛無縹緲 — 該說是一個個理想,還是可以實踐於世的政策和思維?我確信大同世界並非盡是空談,改變世界也非夢想家的專利,每一個細微的行動,把絕無僅有的物質文明、歷經千代的人類本質小心守護,不容時日沖散最後一點痕跡,才是我推崇的切實做法。我立志將人類學知識融會貫通於邁向全球化的數碼時代。科技文明的瞬息萬變為生活帶來許多獨特的精彩時刻,卻又建成重重隔膜,讓人們最真摯的本質漸被埋沒。現今網絡的便捷和跨界限的連繫,應當造福活在這世上的每一位,這是任何人都能輕描淡寫卻又重量十足的挑戰。


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Shriya Srinivasan

ESF Renaissance College

Class of 2024

Choice of University

University College London

My Story

All I try to do is learn about, appreciate, and attempt to improve the world around me. I believe that understanding ourselves, on every level – biological, social, cultural – is not just a matter of knowledge but a matter of true, effective change. I want to translate abstract global aims to real culture and health policy impacts on communities. I hope to help preserve the fragile material culture and human facets that can easily disappear in a rapidly changing world. Eventually, I aim to apply anthropology to how society can adjust to an increasingly digitising and globalising world. Technology and modernisation makes our lives richer and fosters unique interactions, but often dilutes the communities and cultural adaptations that make us who we are. In the end, I believe that an efficient, interconnected world ought to serve everyone equally – and that is the ultimate challenge.

I hope that one day in the future, I can help massive institutions serve the individual better. A degree in Anthropology at one of the biggest research departments at UCL will allow me to encounter parts of the world I have never understood before. I aspire to be that link between ideation and action because of my unique, constant, and deep understanding of how people and societies function.

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2024 年度畢業生


香港大學 - 劍橋大學





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2024 年度畢業生







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2024 年度畢業生




「治人必先治其心: 在病人最脆弱的時刻成為他們的支柱,引導他們接納治療、逐漸康復,正是推動我學習醫學的動力。昔日在療養院和安寧病房做義工,讓我意識到通過同情心傳播正能量的重要性。

能接受實用和倫理兼重的醫學教育,將完善我在醫療保健領域的表現和追求。我渴望利用不斷發展的醫學科技和團隊合作的協力增益,來造福社會各界的弱勢群體。我希望通過繼續我的志願工作和投身人道援助來實現這一目標。如今回想心理治療學家弗蘭克博士(Dr. Frankl)的話,終於深明其義:『人類要為一個值得追求的目標而掙扎、奮鬥。』對我來說,這個目標是便是改善病人的生活,也許是治愈,也許只是安慰,也將帶來温暖。治療時亦讓人心得以慰藉,這就是我想在社會上產生的影響。」

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2024 年度畢業生






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2024 年度畢業生








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Vincent Huang

ESF West Island School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

My Story

The way medicine is constantly evolving — pushing the boundaries of what's possible — completely captivates me.

And you know what? Harnessing empathy, dedication, and a collaborative mindset, I am determined to be a change maker in this field and conquer the challenges of tomorrow — from discovering innovative treatments and designing cutting-edge tech to advocating for policy reforms.

At the end of the day, medicine represents an opportunity to empathetically improve lives through both clinical work and academic research. And that's what motivates me to study medicine at HKU.

The opportunity to go above and beyond and tangibly improve the well-being of our community? You better believe I am going to make the most of it.

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Anson Li

ESF South Island School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

London School of Economics and Political Science
Bachelor of Laws

My Story

As the foundation that crafts civilisation into what we now know as society, the law as a mode of ensuring equality, justice, and opportunity inspires my dedication to this field. Amidst a world where legal issues are emerging in forms that transcend borders, communities, and nations, I strive to understand the evolving needs and struggles of people around the globe. Though a meagre individual force, I would be honoured to work alongside like-minded aspirants to strengthen international legal mechanisms that protect the diverse population we have today. Despite being bestowed with different opportunities in life, a pathway of justice offers everyone a chance to thrive.

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Enoch Chu

ESF South Island School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

My Story

As someone who is keen to learn and explore different elements within the medical landscape, studying Medicine at CUHK will not only enhance my educational and research capabilities, but also provide me with the clinical exposure necessary to shape my future medical journey.

To truly make a difference in the medical field, I wish to enhance personalised healthcare approaches by conducting research or establishing policies, with the aim of optimising patient treatment pathways.

Being an ambitious student and a dreamer, I will make use of opportunities, resources, and support at CUHK in order to satisfy my curiosities and maintain myself as a lifelong learner seeking for constant improvement.

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Ken Sotooka

ESF Sha Tin College

Class of 2024

Choice of University

HKU-Cambridge Dual Degree
Bachelor and Master of Science in Physics

My Story

Carl Sagan once said, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known". It is this sentiment that drove scientists throughout history to dedicate their lives to discovery and innovation, and what drives me to join these scientists.

The HKU-Cambridge dual degree program in natural sciences provides me with a platform to research and discover the next "incredible" something. I envisage myself working with like-minded peers to push the frontier of physics, working with cutting-edge technology in two reputable institutions.

I want to leave a mark in the world through discovery, helping innovate and develop technologies that improve the lives of others. I hope to channel my passion for understanding the universe into tangible change, which I can achieve with the HKU-Cambridge dual degree program.

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Benedict Lok Hei Pang

ESF Sha Tin College

Class of 2024

Choice of University

Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

My Story

“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity”.

Echoing these wise words from Hippocrates, the ‘father of medicine’, I am delighted to pursue a degree in Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

By being part of the CUMed family and with the faculty’s nurture and support, I hope to become a clinician scientist and contribute towards the betterment of human health through clinical service, research and innovation.

I pledge to maintain my passion to medicine and love of humanity by remaining persistent and inquisitive throughout the course. With my ultimate aim to serve the Hong Kong public, I am fully confident that CUHK’s MBChB program will provide me with the support and resources I need to turn this goal into reality.

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Nicole Samantha Lau

ESF Sha Tin College

Class of 2024

Choice of University

King's College London

My Story

A lawyer’s bread and butter is his ability to think on his feet. One day I see myself employing this skill and many others at the first line of fire before a judge.

What cements King’s as my university of choice is its down-to-earth humility preceding such solid educational standing. Armed with the necessary skills and a strong academic foundation, I wish to apply myself critically and creatively in the courtroom.

My ‘ambitions’ are not particularly glamorous, nor are they grand; actually, I can’t entirely be sure of what my future holds. I am sure, nevertheless, that my versatility and acuity–and an LLB that the Dickson Poon School of Law will provide–all ground me in good stead to navigate and grasp the heart of the adversarial system.

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Kirsty Lee

ESF King George V School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Distinguished MedScholar)

My Story

Believing in yourself is the first step to achieving your dreams. I hope to enter the medical field as a doctor; not only to treat patients, but to heal them too. As I’ve always been a positive person, I’m determined to share this mindset with patients as I believe a positive mentality is crucial to a speedy recovery.

Although I’m still unsure of which specialism I will pursue, I am confident that I will gain a clearer understanding of my strengths and interests over time, so I can continue developing my skills to serve the public community. Medicine is a lifelong learning journey, and I am determined to commit to making my aspirations come true.

My journey has just begun, and I’m looking forward to what the future holds!

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Reiss Lau

ESF King George V School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

University of California Los Angeles
Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering

My Story

Laughter is beautifully therapeutic. One person’s laughter is everyone’s joy. Hearing my friends laugh inspires me to reach out, connect with others and cultivate happiness. I believe that laughter is abundant at UCLA, where everyone is supported to be anything they dream of.

I envision myself working with an open-minded and creative team to create a community where social boundaries are pushed and hard work is appreciated. Ultimately, I want to collaborate with others through interdepartmental projects to develop helpful medical technologies that will keep people laughing.

At UCLA, I’ll have all these opportunities and more. I’ll be able to explore other avenues and pursue other passions. Such freedom will allow me to glean more into different worldly perspectives and consolidate a more holistic personal philosophy.

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Mila Phoenix Dresner

ESF King George V School

Class of 2024

Choice of University

Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Global Physician- Leadership Stream)

My Story

Medicine is not just about curing patients but also caring for them and alleviating their suffering. I envision myself as a leader, provider and source of comfort to others, which is why I aspire to be a doctor.

Witnessing my grandmother’s fight against stroke and cancer made me realize that life is unpredictable and transient. Being grateful for the opportunities I am presented with means that I don’t take anything or anyone for granted. As I strive to become the best version of myself, I hope to constantly learn from others and inspire positive change. With the support of my family, friends and CUMed, I am confident that I will achieve my dreams.